Friday, December 2, 2011

December meeting

This Tuesday, December 6th we will be having our annual new to you swap and Christmas get together! Please bring pregnancy/baby/ child related stuff you are ready to part with so we can all have a swapping good time lol!! Also bring an appetizer or dessert to share if u so desire :) look forward to seeing you all there!

Monday, July 4, 2011

July Meeting on Breastfeeding!!

We will be meeting tomorrow July 5th at Christ United Methodist Church to discuss breastfeeding, please come prepared with questions and we will hopefully be able to answer them for you :) Snacks are provided, see ya there!

Monday, May 2, 2011

May Meeting

Good Afternoon Ladies,
We will be meeting Tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 7pm to discuss NUTRITION in pregnancy- why is it important? How can we eat our way to a healthy birth canal?? What water is safe to drink?? The top 10 pregnancy foods and the "dirty dozen" PLease bring your input, your friends, your babies, and your birth stories and we will see you there!!

Meeting will be held in our regualr room at Christ United Methodist Church rm 275

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Meeting- Overview of Childbirth Education Options

We are SO excited for the great information we will be sharing this meeting! We will have Jennifer Martin with us to speak about the benefits and how to's of hypnobirthing and we will also have Julie Harless giving us great info about Bradley Classes. Please join us on Tues April 5th at 7pm at Christ United Methodist Church. We will have some yummy snacks and as always babies and kids are welcome, but please bring something for the older ones to do :)

See ya there!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

February Meeting!!

We will be talking about places of birth at our Meeting this Tuesday Feb 1st. PLease come prepared to share and learn about the places we birth our children and the pros and cons of both! There will be yummy snacks and kids are welcome, just bring something to keep them occupied :) Thanks so much and see ya there!