Sunday, October 4, 2009

October Meeting!

Please join us for the upcoming October Meeting on Tuesday Oct 6th at 7pm, we will be celebrating birth by having a birth art meeting! We will be doing a live belly casting, have a henna artist on site and many other great ways to portray your birth art!! Supplies are provided and everyone is encouraged to come and make your birth experiences a masterpiece!! We will see you all there!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Earliest Fetal Memory? Dutch Doctors Say the Unborn may Have Memories by the 30th Week of Pregnancy

n a study of 100 of pregnant women in the Netherlands, researchers say they found evidence that fetuses have short-term memory of sounds by the 30th week of pregnancy, and develop a long-term memory of sound after that.

More C-Sections, more problems...

More C-sections, more problems

As the expensive surgery's popularity rises, so have premature births, maternal deaths and neonatal intensive care admissions. Serious medical intervention has diminishing returns, a doctor notes.

August Meeting!!

Hello Ladies!
We are excited to be discussing post-partum healing and resting, bring a friend, your baby, your bellies, and have some fun! We will have yummy snacks and lots of info for ya!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

July Playgroup!!!!!!

Hey everyone, due to scheduling conflicts we are moving JULY PLAYGROUP to July 16th Thursday at 10am still at Orchardly park in Oakwood, bring swimsuits, towels, sunscreen and a lunch if you want~!!

All About Breastfeeding!!

Our July meeting is on July 7th at 7pm and is all about breastfeeding, we will be hosting Geneva from La Leche League and come prepared with all of your breastfeeding related questions, we look forward to seeing you all there!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Playgroup changed!!!

Due to inclement weather today, we have decided to change playgroup to Friday June 12th 10-12, same place at wegerzyn gardens in Dayton. Hope to see you all there!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Childbirth Education Options

Childbirth Education Options

Lamaze- The Lamaze philosophy- believes that birth is normal, natural, and healthy. The experience of birth profoundly affects women and their families. Women’s inner wisdom guides them through the birth. Women’s confidence and ability to give birth is either enhanced or diminished by the care provider and place of birth. Women have a right to give birth free from routine medical intervention. Birth can safely take place in homes, birth centers, and hospitals. Childbirth education empowers women to make informed choices in health care to assume responsibility for their health, and to trust their inner wisdom.

“Breathing” is no longer the hallmark of Lamaze. In Lamaze classes, the birth partner learns how to provide quiet, gentle, encouraging support, and learn basic comfort measures that help most women in labor. The goal of Lamaze classes is that every woman gives birth confidently, free to find comfort in a wide variety of ways, and supported by family and health care professionals who trust that she has within her the ability to give birth.

Hypnobirthing: Is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. The method teaches you that, in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor. You will gain an understanding of how the birthing muscles work in perfect harmony- as they were designed to- when your body is sufficiently relaxed and you trust birth. You will not be in a trance or a sleep, you will be conversant and in good spirits-totally relaxed but fully in control. You will experience birthing in an atmosphere of clam relaxation, free of fear. In this calm state, your body’s natural relaxant, endorphins, replaces the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain.

Bradley Method- Bradley Classes Teach a natural childbirth method, the techniques are simple and effective. They are based on onformation about how the human body works during labor. They provide the student with a 125 page workbook, provide excellent coach/doula training, offer comprehensive education, keep classes small, and the training is over 12 weeks. The classes are designed to educate and motivate coaches and make them a valuable part of the birth experience. The twelve classes are: Introduction to Bradley Method, Nutrition, Pregnancy, The coach’s Role, First Stage of Labor, Second stage of labor, Planning your birth, Variations and complications, Advanced first stage techniques, Advanced second stage techniques, Being a great coach/are you ready?, and Preparing for your new family.

Birthing From Within: The closest class is available only in Indiana, but we thought it would be worth mentioning due to the difference in content. In these classes you will learn how to experience a birth as a rite of passage, build confidence, protect your birth space, tame your “Birth Tigers” and open your mind before and during labor with self-hypnosis and visualization among other things.

Hospital Based Classes: These classes offer a variety of different methods and learning styles, they vary in what each covers, but they do usually explain the stages of labor, what to expect, when to call your care provider, pain relief etc. Contact your place of birth to find out what classes are offered.

Local References

Lamaze: Diane Easthon (937) 269-1312

Hypnobirthing: Jennifer Martin (937) 789-5511

Bradley Method: Julie Harless (937) 433-7328

Birthing From Within: Sara Jane Bolen 574-233-3968 South Bend Indiana


Our playgroup for this summer is going to be meeting the second Thursday of the month from 10am-12pm, everyone is welcome to come and bring a friend or a sack lunch and hang out with other mommies and kids.

JUNE11th - Wegerzyn Children Gardens on Sibenthaler Ave in Dayton

July 9th- Orchardly Park in Oakwood off of Orchardly and Wonderly

August 13th- Indian Riffle Park on Stroop in Kettering

Hope to see you all there! We will update for fall as it gets closer!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Meeting

All About Attachment Parenting!!!! We will be meeting on May 5th at 7pm at Christ United Methodist Church in Kettering.

We are super excited to be discussing attachment parenting, the benefits, the research behind it and everything in between. Please come and bring a friend, your baby, your husband and your kids!! If you do bring an older child just please bring something to occupy their little hands....

There will be yummy snacks and great discussions, look forward to seeing all of you there!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Meeting!!

Hello everyone, Our topic for the month of April is waterbirth!!! We are so excited to be discussing all the benefits/questions/and general information about waterbirth. PLease join us on April 7th at 7pm, if you have a video of your own waterbirth please feel free to bring it, and we will look forward to seeing all of you there!! As always babies and children are welcome, but please bring something for older ones to do.

Monday, March 2, 2009

March Playgroup

Hey everyone, our March playgroup will be at Sheridan Curries House, she has graciously offered to host us, her address is 3241 Carrier Ave. in Kettering (45429). It will be March 12 10-12p. We will see you all there!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Home Births on the Rise and in the News Again:

A great article showing the benefits of home birth, the support for home birth in UK Obstetrics and the bias of ACOG and the AMA in the US.


Induction is Risky:
From Sydney, AU comes a recent study based on 50,000 births concluding that induction of labor leads to risks for both mother and baby.
Read the entire article here:

February Meeting- Get ready to Dance!

Happy Snow Days!!!
Hopefully you all are in your warm comfy houses and not out in it!
We are excited to announce that Kira from Kira's Oasis is coming to discuss and demonstrate the benefits of belly dancing during pregnancy! Please come and bring a friend, a birth story, a baby, or just yourself, we can't wait to see everyone! As always the meeting is at 7pm on the first Tuesday of the month which is Feb 3rd. See you there!

Monday, January 5, 2009

January Meeting

Our topic for the January meeting is "Mommy Knows Best": Your Rights as a Consumer, this is information that all mommas need to know. We look forward to seeing you all there!