In an attempt to maintain sovereign authority on vaccinations, the AAP has formed an alliance to develop a media market plan directed to parents about the necessity of vaccinations.
They identified several factors that promote anti-vaccine information:
• Parent-to-parent spread of myths,
• A public that does not understand the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases,
• Internet and media exposure that is not balanced,
• Decreased trust in the government and health care providers,
• Slow response to negative news coverage, and
• Increasing calls for philosophical exemptions.
Here are response questions, point by point on each factor:
- Is it a myth when a parents are discussing observed side effects?
- Where is the scientific evidence showing vaccines are safer than the disease itself? Where is the scientific evidence showing vaccines prevent these diseases?
- Where is the balance on the pro-vaccine web sites?
- Haven't the pharmaceutical companies created this decreased trust?
- Without scientific evidence to respond with quickly is the response time slowed down?
- Is there something wrong with parents exercising their rights to choose their families' own health care?
This is a new recommended form from the AAP that doctors are advised to have their parents sign. View the form here. I suggest ALL parents take a copy of this form and get legal advise before signing it. There may be statements you would want to delete or add before committing your signature to it. Remember--if you are not satisfied with you current pediatrician's recommendations, find a new one!
One place to start is the Holistic Pediatric Association:
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